1938 m. baigti statyti modernūs, erdvūs Antano Juozapavičiaus – pirmojo karininko, žuvusio nepriklausomybės kovose, – vardo šaulių namai vadinti kurhauzu (tuo metu Alytus turėjo miesto kurorto statusą). Pirmame aukšte buvo įrengta didelė salė su scena, vestibiulis, valgykla bei veranda. Veranda priklausė restoranui, kuriame vakarais grojo džiazas. Antrame aukšte įsikūrė šaulių klubas, A. Juozapavičiui skirtas muziejus, rūsyje – mankštos salė. Sovietmečiu čia veikė kultūros namai. Atgavus nepriklausomybę, pastatas grąžintas Alytaus šaulių rinktinei.
Construction of the modern, spacious Riflemen’s House was completed in 1938. It was named after Antanas Juozapavičius, the first military officer to be killed in the Wars of Independence, and was popularly called Kurhaus. The first floor had a large hall with a stage, a lobby with a canteen and a porch with a restaurant. Jazz was played there in the evenings. The second floor was occupied by the riflemen’s club and a museum dedicated to Juozapavičius. The basement had an exercise area. During the Soviet period, the building was used as a cultural centre. It was given back to Alytus Riflement’s Union after the Restoration of Independence.